
元旦假期中,如果只想在家看一部電影,就是這部: 綠色奇蹟IMDB排名1161/4,1/5東森洋片台播出,出自IMDB觀眾票選冠軍片 刺激1995 同個導演、同個原著史帝芬金,同樣場景在監獄,只是男主角換成湯姆漢克斯。



Old Paul Edgecomb: That's as good a word as any. He infected us both, didn't he, Mr. Jingles? With life. I'm a hundred and eight years old, Elaine. I was forty-four the year that John Coffey walked the Green Mile. You mustn't blame John. He couldn't have what happened to him... he was just a force of nature. Oh I've lived to see some amazing things Elly. Another century come to past, but I've... I've had to see my friends and loved ones die off through the years... Hal and Melinda... Brutus Howell... my wife... my boy. And you Elaine... you'll die too, and my curse is knowing that I'll be there to see it. It's my torment you see; it's my punishment, for letting John Coffey ride the lightning; for killing a miracle of God. You'll be gone like all the others. I'll have to stay. I'll die eventually, that I'm sure. I have no illusions of immortality, but I will await your death... long before death finds me. In truth, I wish for it already.

Old Paul Edgecomb: We each owe a death - there are no exceptions - but sometimes, oh God, the Green Mile seems so long.


恐怖小說大師史帝芬金在 刺激1995 表達了,「一顆被制約的心」其實就是圍牆高聳的監獄,不小心的話,自己被自己判決無期徒刑都渾然不自覺。

綠色奇蹟也有監獄,這次不是無期徒刑,而是死刑犯的監獄。在刺激1995 無期徒刑犯可以用心志、用啤酒、用歌劇、用友誼、用上進心等等衝破藩籬。然而,湯姆漢克斯目睹大個兒能不死但求死在監獄裡(大個兒看得到苦難,但卻無法像觀世音菩薩救眾生),之後,他不但茍活在監獄外,而且還可以活好久好久然而對照起大個兒的慈悲,他的長壽顯得無意義且荒謬!





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